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Out of all my memories, my clearest are those with you.

These crystal memories break open whenever you come back, and I am hit by a wave of sweet nostalgia.

My memories are of running to the early school bus in my unforgettable purple parka. Nimbly scaling the willow tree, resting on it’s bare branches. Embracing October air, as it seeped around the threads of my sweater, brushing against my skin. Stepping out of the humming car, leaving it’s warmth to be greeted by the cold. Bounding up the stone steps to the library with several magical tales under each arm. Slipping on fuzzy pink leg warmers before a ballet class. Wandering through majestic trees, searching for sprites and faeries among the mosaic of orange, yellow, and purple. Daydreaming with my forehead rested against the cool car window, as premature Christmas music tinkled from the radio. Stretching navy sweaters over plaid school uniforms. Falling asleep next to the warmth of a bedside table lamp. Tasting Hall’s Lemon and Honey cough drops. Walking on windy, gray, stone covered beaches. Reading under a warm blanket as notes from Wynton Marsalis’ trumpet float around a fire lit room.

I cannot wait until you fully arrive, and when you do, please don’t forget to give me a 70º hug.

kita xx


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