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the other day, i was shopping in a thrift store and i found a pair of high waisted, denim, belted, wide leg pants.
they fit great and i LOVED how they looked. so today, i wore them for the first time out in public.
*fade to a farmers market scene*
today i was at the farmers market and SO many people were noticing my pants. older people smiled when they saw them  (probably cause they hadn’t seen anyone wear that style of pant in a while).
but i was really surprised with the reactions of people my age or people in their 20’s.
they actually stared at me like i was ridiculously crazy.
ok, the pants are pretty ridiculous, but at least i am not wearing the exact same thing hundreds of other people are wearing just for the sake of fitting into society! one lady actually laughed in my face.
i’m going to be honest, that laugh made me hurt a little.
while walking to the car, arms full of fresh vegetables, i started to panic and thought, “maybe these pants are just really really ugly and they won’t ever work”. i started to dwell into negative thoughts and convinced myself that i was never going to wear these pants again.
luckily, this story has a happy ending which we are getting to. 🙂
i reminded myself that fashion has no rules. no outfits are ‘wrong’ and none are ‘right’. i told myself to be confident because loved those pants and i shouldn’t care what other people thought.
my mind eventually stopped thinking about my outfit while browsing through the snacks at trader joe’s. man, i fought my mom to buy me those snacks (came home with ridge cut potato chips 🙂 )
while checking out at trader joe’s, the cashier said “how old are you? like 17-18?” and i responded with “no haha, i’m 14” and do you know what she said?
“you have really great style”
i melted. right then and there.
i thanked her for the compliment and the ridge cut potato chips,
i strutted out of trader joe’s with a bag of chips under one arm and a whole lot of smiles,
and i drove home with the windows down, emanating happiness.
fashion is a funny thing. there are so many people who will judge you for what you wear. if you think about it, they are literally judging you for being unique.
fashion should be an extension of your personality and reflect what you love. so, from now on, i’m going to wear what i love and wear it for myself. not to impress society. i think iris apfel said something like that in her documentary… anyway,
sorry for the rambling, but this was a thought i wanted to share with you.
love you guys,
kita xx